Finally, I've used up the last batch of bananas! I mashed it up, mixed it with coconut milk, and voila! It's the Kuih Talam that everyone loves! I can even support two events with this post, so what's not to like?
Finally, I've used up the last batch of bananas! I mashed it up, mixed it with coconut milk, and voila! It's the Kuih Talam that everyone loves! I can even support two events with this post, so what's not to like?
The fragrant top layer of pandan and coconut milk, the original taste of bananas in the bottom layer, and the soft yet firm texture of the cake all serve to make this cake exceptionally delicious.
The fragrant top layer of pandan and coconut milk, the original taste of bananas in the bottom layer, and the soft yet firm texture of the cake all serve to make this cake exceptionally delicious.
椰奶 250毫
粘米粉 60克
面粉 30克
细砂糖 40克
香蕉泥 70克
盐 适量
食用黄色素 适量
1。 将所有材料放入一个大碗,搅拌均匀。 将面糊过滤入一个小煲,小火煮至浓稠。
2。 轻轻拌入香蕉泥,然后将面糊倒入一个已涂油的(6 x 6寸)的蒸盘,大火蒸20分钟
浓缩椰奶 200毫升
班兰汁 60毫升
清水 40毫升(随喜加一滴班兰精华液)
面粉 35克
粟米粉 20克
细砂糖 30克
1。在一个大碗,但如所有材料,搅拌均匀。 过滤进一个小煲,小火煮至浓稠。
2。 将煮稠的面糊倒在底层的上面,大火蒸30分钟
KuihTalam Pisang/Banana Kueh Talam
Bottom/banana layer ingredients :
Coconut milk 250ml
Rice flour 60g
Flour 30g
Caster sugar 40g
Mashed banana 70g
Salt some
Yellow coloring some
1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and stir till well blended. Sieve batter into a pot and cook it over low fire till it has thickened.
2. Gently stir in mashed banana and pour mixture into a greased 6x6 square pan. Steam for 20 mins.
Top/pandan layer ingredients :
200ml Concentrate coconut milk
60ml Pandan juice
40ml Water (with drop of pandan concentrate, optional)
35g Flour
20g Corn flour
30g Caster sugar
1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Sieve it into a pot and cook it over low fire till it has thickened.
2. Pour (1) onto bottom layer and steam it for 30mins.
This post is linked to the event: Little Thumbs Up organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids
and Doreen from My Little Favourite DIY, hosted by Faeez from BitterSweetSpicy for March 2015 theme - BANANA
and Doreen from My Little Favourite DIY, hosted by Faeez from BitterSweetSpicy for March 2015 theme - BANANA

I'm submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone March 2015 Event Theme: My Favourite Traditional Kueh organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Joceline - Butter, Flour & Me.
@@@@@ Enjoy ! @@@@@
Hi Aunty Young,
回复删除Thank you so much for your support for LTU :D
These kuih talam pisang look very perfectly made... No more banana. Maybe you have to buy more :p
Aunty 太厉害了,成了TALAM达人,脑筋转一转,又有YUMMY的糕点吃,
Hi Aunty Young, very nice kuih. Bananas and coconut milk are perfect blend, so is the kuih. Must try this.
回复删除Aunty 家的糕点可真多啊!
回复删除我要慢慢Diap了,吃到饱饱~ 呵呵
Aunty Young, love your talam pisang! Eh, got one more week to go so you can buy some more bananas and work your magic on them :)
回复删除Hi Aunty Young,
回复删除Give you lots of LIKE and Thumbs up for this KuihTalam Pisang !
sister, 您的刀工进步得迅速。切得很美,很美。双色蒸糕很迷人的。
怎么楼上的那个有机会吃到, 怎么我却走宝了。。不管了, 我生气了叻! 嘻嘻。。
回复删除Aunty很会磨刀子, 这糕切的很捧! 呵呵!
回复删除你和joceline 都很有创意,我也好想吃上一片尝尝!