After seeing Joceline's Purple Yam Ang Ku Kueh, I got really motivated to make it too. Yet I didn't have purple yam, so I decided to replace it with the beetroot juice I had left over from yesterday's Red Ruby.
After seeing Joceline's Purple Yam Ang Ku Kueh, I got really motivated to make it too. Yet I didn't have purple yam, so I decided to replace it with the beetroot juice I had left over from yesterday's Red Ruby.
Didn't expect the color of the beetroot juice to have such a drastic change before and after steaming. The light, purplish-pink color before steaming(background) turns to a Striking red wine color after steamed(foreground).
Didn't expect the color of the beetroot juice to have such a drastic change before and after steaming. The light, purplish-pink color before steaming(background) turns to a Striking red wine color after steamed(foreground).
I utilized the left over shredded coconut and palm sugar from the other day's Putu Mayam to make the filling of the Ang Ku Kueh. It saves space in the fridge.
I utilized the left over shredded coconut and palm sugar from the other day's Putu Mayam to make the filling of the Ang Ku Kueh. It saves space in the fridge.
可做20个,4cm x 5cm 的模子
嫩白椰丝 -180克
马六甲椰糖 - 80克
Pandan 叶
粘米粉 25克
甜菜根汁 60克
糯米粉 160 克
细砂糖 15克
甜菜根汁 110克
粟米油 15克
做法 :
1。 将材料(A)混合,小火煮匀成糊。
2。 将做法(1)和材料(B混合均匀,加入粟米油,搓揉成面团。
3。 将面团分成20份,每份18克。
4。 拿一份小面团,搓成圆形,裹上一小匙椰丝内馅,收口捏紧,压实,再轻轻敲出,排放在香蕉叶上。
5。 最后蒸笼水滚后,将红龟糕移入蒸笼,大火蒸4-5分钟。
6。 蒸好后,在糕的表层涂上少许的食油(玉米油)便可。
* 重量:皮 - 18克 / 馅料 - 9克(大约)
* 如果蒸太久,糕的花纹就会变得不明显了。
Hi, good morning,
glad to hear that you happy with the sweet potato ang ku kueh.
For the beetroot juice, I blended with 180g diced beeetroot + 100mlwater, strained to get the juice.
Copy and WIN : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
Copy and WIN : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
我用搅拌机,把200克的甜菜根切小块 + 100毫升水,
I blended with 200g diced beetroot + 100ml water, strained to get the juice.

Beetroot Ang Ku Kuih
Makes 20, using a mould of size 4cm x 5cm
Filling :
180g shredded coconut
80g Malacca palm sugar
Pandan leaves
1. Crush the palm sugar and stir-fry it with the shredded coconut and pandan leaves over a small flame. Stir-fry until the sugar had melted completely.
1. Crush the palm sugar and stir-fry it with the shredded coconut and pandan leaves over a small flame. Stir-fry until the sugar had melted completely.
There's no need to add water since the palm sugar will release oil.
Don't stir-fry too long or the taste may be affected.
Beetroot Ang Ku Kuih skin:
Ingredient (A):
25g rice flour
60g beetroot juice
Ingredient (B):
160g glutinous flour
15g caster sugar
110g beetroot juice
15g corn oil
20pcs banana leaves that is bigger than the mould15g corn oil
1. Mix ingredients (A) well and cook over low flame till thickened.
2. Mix (1) and ingredients (B) except corn oil evenly in a mixing bowl.
3. Add in the corn oil gradually and knead into a dough. Knead for about 5 minutes until the dough is slightly elastic.
3. Add in the corn oil gradually and knead into a dough. Knead for about 5 minutes until the dough is slightly elastic.
4. Divide the dough into 20 portions, 18g each.
* If you steam it for too long, the patterns will blur.
5. Roll them into balls, then flatten
the into circles before wrapping in the filling. Roll it into
a circle again and put it into a flour-dusted mould. Demould and place
on a piece of lightly oiled banana leaf.
4) Boil water in a steamer and steam the kueh for 4 to 5 minutes.
5) Brush the steamed Ang Ku Kueh lightly with cooking oil(corn oil) and you're done.4) Boil water in a steamer and steam the kueh for 4 to 5 minutes.
Tips :
* Weight of: skin - 18g / filling - 9g(roughly)
Before steaming, the Beetroot Ang Ku Kuehs are a brilliant pink that makes the patterns stand out so much more.
Before steaming, the Beetroot Ang Ku Kuehs are a brilliant pink that makes the patterns stand out so much more.
The deeper kidney red of the steamed Ang Ku Kuehs doesn't make the patterns stand out, so it's quite a skill to shoot them!
The deeper kidney red of the steamed Ang Ku Kuehs doesn't make the patterns stand out, so it's quite a skill to shoot them!
Even though this Ang Ku Kueh does not include any puree or mashed starch, it is still chewy and soft and hasn't lost its original texture. The shredded coconut filling is also the perfect match with the Ang Ku Kueh.

I'm submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone March 2015 Event Theme: My Favourite Traditional Kueh organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Joceline - Butter, Flour & Me.
@@@@@ Enjoy ! @@@@@
Hello Auntyyoung, your beetroot ang ku kueh look yummy, and I always try to use natural coloring when making kueh. I tried your sweet potato recipe ang ku kueh and it turned out soft and delicious, will try out your beetroot recipe. May I know how do u extract your beetroot juice ?
回复删除Hi, good morning,
删除glad to hear that you happy with the sweet potato ang ku kueh.
For the beetroot juice, I blended with 180g diced beeetroot + 100mlwater, strained to get the juice.
回复删除Oh wow! Indeed, from purple to a striking red wine colour! It's stunning! Beautiful
回复删除Aunty Young, I love your creation! The colour is really outstanding and so must be the taste!
回复删除lu punya akk boleh kawan sama wa punya akk... color very sui and sharp!! 哈哈 ~
回复删除Aunty Young, 我家也有一个这样变色的龟糕, 来不及贴上了。。被我暂时推进冷宫里了, 哈哈哈!
回复删除迟一些日子, 才将它再从冷库里拿出来吧! 嘻嘻。。
yer ......漂亮
回复删除Hi Aunty Young,
回复删除The colour of these Beetroot Ang Ku Kuehs indeed look very stunning red. Can I bring my Hainanese Coconut Kueh to exchange with you ?! ... hee hee!
回复删除Aunty Young真的很厉害!很会变变变!佩服!佩服!
回复删除Aunty Young,
纯天然呢!Thumbs Up!
哇!Aunty Young,Joceline家的是紫宝石,您家的是红宝石啊!太漂亮了!!
回复删除很。。很。。。。很美丽哦 lol