正烦着在它变坏之前该怎么消除 ?
咦。。。。! 她,怎懂我心意?
The other day, while hunting for some mooncake ingredients in the fridge, I realized I still had some pumpkin left from the Steam Pumpkin Kueh. Ish......what am I going to do with it before it spoils? Just then, a friend asked if I had a Steam Pumpkin Kueh with Grated Coconut recipe. Eh, good idea! And so, refering to Jenny's recipe, I weighed my pumpkin. 270g, just right! What a coincidence!
金瓜气香,糕体Q 软,甜度适中,
The sweet, delicious taste of the pumpkin goes well with the soft, springy texture of the cake. The salty grated coconut makes it all the more tastier. Meanwhile, the golden color of the Kueh makes it a treat to the eyes too!
南瓜 270克木薯粉 270克
粘米粉 1大匙
糖 225克
盐 1/2茶匙
椰浆 300克
清水 270克
沾糕用料: (拌均蒸10分钟)
嫩椰丝 1顆
盐 1 茶匙
1. 南瓜蒸熟后舂烂.
2. 拌入木薯粉, 粘米粉, 糖和盐拌匀, 慢慢加入椰浆和清水拌均, 过滤.
3. 將混合料倒入锅里, 开小火,不停搅拌煮至微温(可用手指测试混合料的温度, 微温即可)
4. 將微温的混合料倒入蒸盘里, 以中大火蒸20分钟或用竹签插入测试, 面糊不沾即可.
5. 取出后摊凉, 切块沾上蒸好的嫩椰丝即可.
I used a few small moulds instead of one big steaming tray to save on having to cut it. It also makes de-moulding easier and convinient storage .
Steam Pumpkin Kueh with Grated Coconut
270g pumpkin270g tapioca powder
1tbsp rice flour
225g sugar
1/2tsp salt
300g coconut milk
270g water
*P.S. The sweetness is just right, so don't cut down on the sugar!
1 grated coconut
1tsp salt
*Mix evenly and steam for 10 minutes.
1. Steam the pumpkin until cooked, then mash it.
2. Mix in the tapioca flour, rice flour, sugar and salt evenly, slowly add in the coconut milk and water, and sieve.
3. Pour the mixture into a pot and warm over a small flame while stirring constantly. You can use a finger to test if it is slightly warm.
4. Pour the warm mixture into a mould and steam over high flame for 20 minutes, or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
5. Remove form mould and allow to cool. Cut into mouth size and sprinkle some topping before serving.
Thanks to this friend, I've managed to solve the pumpkin problem and learn a new Nyonya kueh; thanks to the pumpkin, I've made a new friend!
@@@@@ Enjoy! @@@@@

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Bake for Happy Kids and My Little Favourite DIY, and hosted by Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe
看了好想吃哦。。。我家的金瓜,好好的。。。买了后一直“忙忙忙”,最后送到Mr Bin嘴里了。。。呜呜呜。。。
回复删除My cousin used to make this kuih whenever there is some 'Pai Pai' at home. But I never ask her for the recipe cos' we expect that she does it all the time, hehehe! This kuih is nice with grated coconut. Bookmarked.
回复删除Aunty Young做的金瓜真的很美,很像黄金。
颜色漂亮的南瓜糕, Esther 不走了,赖在这里等Aunty Young切kuih给我吃!☺
回复删除Very golden like gold bars ... think I'll try these during Chinese New Year as it look auspicious. Thanks for the sharing!
回复删除还有许大姐您要记得哦,11月就是’南瓜之月‘也。期待吧。。哈哈哈 ~
哈哈。。我也是跟Jocelyn 讲的一样,我收这个食谱多两个月才来做,不然会被骂的
回复删除(所有南瓜作品全部都on hold到11月了,哈哈哈哈!)
you know, you are really getting good with all these kuehs that your blog is a must come for me when i am looking for kueh recipes!
Hi Aunty Young! I can imagine this lovely kueh and the QQ texture when I chew into it. I must try making this type of kueh soon :)
回复删除Hi Aunty Yong ! 我家冰箱也有剩余的金瓜,我想也应该快速的把金瓜消除掉
回复删除谢谢您Aunty Young, 今天我可以做这个金瓜椰丝糕 哈哈
I am not a fan of pumpkin but I like looking at these kuehs because I really like the colour contrast between the pumpkin and the coconut. Thanks for linking up :)