
寿司之四熏三文鱼押寿司(Sushi 4 : Smoke Salmon Pressed Sushi/Oshi - Zushi)






食谱参考 : My Japanese Table

250克  短白米
310 毫升  水
1/2 汤匙 日本米酒(sake)

寿司饭调味 :
5 汤匙  白米醋
3 汤匙  细砂糖
1 1/2 茶匙  盐
1 汤匙味霖(mirin)

铺面佐料 :190克  蛋黄酱 /mayonnaise( 减至120克)
1茶匙 Sriracha辣酱
1/2 茶匙 黑芝麻油(白芝麻油取代)
1茶匙 日式酱油
18片紫苏叶 (以1杯芝麻菜取代)
200克 熏三文鱼片( 加至300克)
15克   三文鱼卵, 装饰 ( 以红萝卜碎取代)

醮酱 :
做法 :
1。将白米洗净后,参水与米酒一起电饭锅煮。 在一个小煲,倒入寿司调味,小火煮溶糖和盐,置旁待用。  当饭熟后,舀进一个大碗,一边搅拌,一边加入数匙寿司调味料。 以风扇吹凉寿司饭,置旁待用。

2。 准备一个7寸方形烤盘,铺上保鲜纸,四周边保留7寸的多余长度。沾湿双手,以一半的寿司量,铺满整个烤盘底,稍微压实。

3。 在一个小碗,倒入蛋黄酱(mayonnaise),辣酱(sarricha),芝麻油和酱油,搅拌均匀。 将一半的蛋黄酱混合物,涂搽在饭团上。

4。 保留5片紫苏叶或芝麻菜以供装饰。 将一半的紫苏叶或芝麻菜铺放在饭团上。 接着铺上一层熏三文鱼片。(最后完全铺盖到紫苏叶或芝麻菜)

5。  重复一样的做法,用完另一半寿司饭,蛋黄酱混合物,紫苏叶或芝麻菜和熏三文鱼片。 然后将多余的保鲜膜折盖寿司,上面放一本书,稍微压实,置旁最少15分钟或至1小时。

6。 打开保鲜膜,借助保鲜膜的方便,拉出整个押寿司,摆在餐盘上,以紫苏叶或芝麻菜和三文鱼卵装饰即可。  最后切成(1 x 2方寸)的小块状,醮上酱油享用


Short grain rice,Smoked salmon slices, Sriracha hot sauce. 

550g cooked sushi rice,  mayonnaise mixture, Arugula leaves( Rocket salad)

This is the wooden mould that Japanese use for Pressed Sushi(Oshi - Zushi).
Since I don't have , then I replaced it  with a base removable baking pan .

Smoke Salmon Pressed Sushi(Oshi - Zushi)
Recipe adapted from : My Japanese Table
(Make about 24 bite-size pieces)

Ingredients  :
Cooked sushi rice:
250 g short grain rice 
310 ml  water
1/2 tbsp sake

Sushi rice seasoning :
5 tbsp rice vinegar
3 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp mirin

 Toppings :
190 g  mayonnaise ( I reduced to 120g)
1 tsp  Sriracha hot sauce
1/2 tsp  dark sesame oil (I replaced with sesame oil)
1 tsp soy sauce
18 shiso leaves ( I replaced with 1cup arugula leaves)
200 g  smoked salmon ( I increased to 300g)
15 g    salmon roe, for garnish ( I replaced with chopped carrot)

Dipping sauce :
Some soy sauce

Method :
1. Clean the rice, cook together with water and sake by using rice cooker. Combine the seasoning for the rice in a small sauce-pan.  Heat until the sugar and salt dissolve. Set aside. When the rice is done,transfer the rice to a large bowl, sprinkle the seasoning mixture ,a few spoons at a time onto the rice as you toss the rice. Fan the sushi rice to cool it down and set aside for later use.

2. Set a 7- inch square pan on the counter.  Line the bottom with 2 pieces of plastic wrap, letting 7 inches hang over all sides.  With moist hands,place half the sushi rice in the bottom of the pan.  Press lightly to make a smooth layer.

3.  Stir together the mayonnaise,sarricha sauce,sesame oil and soy sauce in a bowl.  Spread haif the mayonnaise mixture on the rice.

4.  Reserve 5 shiso/arugala leaves for garnish.  Lay half of the remaining leaves on the rice.  Top the leaves with half the salmon slices.  The salmon should completely cover the leaves.

5.  Repeat the process with the remaining rice, mayonnaise mixture, shiso/arugula leaves and salmon.
Fold the extra plastic wrap over the top layer.  Place a large book on top and gently apply pressure.  Set aside for at least 15 minutes or for up to 1 hour.

6.  Open the plastic wrap and use it to lift out the sushi.  Decorate the top with additional shiso/arugula leaves and salmon roe.  Cut the sushi into rectangular pieces about (1 x 2 inches) each.  Serve with soy sauce.


****** ENJOY ! ******

3 条评论:

  1. 我要吃,还没吃晚餐呢, 被你的寿司吸引了,等会可能会去吃日本餐 !

  2. 我好喜欢日本餐,你很棒!这寿司太诱人了,赞X100!

  3. Love this Japanese spread .... Yummy-licious!


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