加上近来家里肉干多的是 ,
Liking the softness of the Micro-wavy buns, missing the smell of wholemeal, and needing to use up the pork jerky at home. The solution? This fragrant and delicious Wholemeal Jerky Micro-wavy Bun!
Liking the softness of the Micro-wavy buns, missing the smell of wholemeal, and needing to use up the pork jerky at home. The solution? This fragrant and delicious Wholemeal Jerky Micro-wavy Bun!
I'm really pleased with the bread today. Besides being soft and fragrant, its plump appearance also makes it adorably irresistible!
I'm really pleased with the bread today. Besides being soft and fragrant, its plump appearance also makes it adorably irresistible!
中种面团:高粉201克,酵母5克,奶粉16克,全蛋50克,牛奶73克, |
主面团:全麦面粉67克,黄糖54克,盐4克,牛奶27克,奶油43克(后下) 内馅: 肉干3片,剪成小片 |
*中种材料一起搅拌均匀,盖保鲜膜发酵1小时 |
*将中种面团撕成小块,与主面团材料搅拌均匀 |
*分割每个45克,搓圆,室温发酵10分钟 |
*杆成长条形卷起,室温休面10分钟 |
*第2次杆卷时,排上肉干片,才卷上,排在烤盘上 |
*发酵50分钟,刷蛋液,放入预热烤箱,180°C,烘15分钟 Wholemeal Pork Jerky Micro-wavy Bun Prefermented Dough : 201g bread flour 50 g egg 5g instant yeast 16 g milk powder 73g fresh milk Roughly mix all of the above, then set aside to rest and proof for an hour, covered. Main dough : 67 g wholemeal flour 54 g brown sugar 4g salt 27g fresh milk 43g butter *After an hour, tear the prefermented dough into small pieces. Mix in with all the main dough ingredients. Knead well. *Divide the dough into 45 g each. Roll into a ball and rest for 10 minutes at room temperature. *Flatten into a rectangle shape and roll it up like a swiss roll. Rest for 10 minutes. *Flatten it again, then add in the jerky pieces before rolling up like a swiss roll. Arrange on a baking pan. Proof for 50 minutes. *Brush with egg wash & bake at 180°C for 15 mins.
@@@@@ ENJOY @@@@@
回复删除我小量生产的肉干。。。没完了咯 XD
大年初十,补上一句 : “新年快乐,事事顺心” ^^
您好 想请问这款面包是用烤炉还是微波炉烤的? 谢谢。
回复删除您好 想请问这款面包是用烤炉还是微波炉烤的? 谢谢。
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