
红萝卜甜心面包(Carrot Sweetheart Bun)

Today, I continued practicing my bread making skills with heart shape buns.
However, I used carrots instead of chocolate.

A round and lovely heart.

A couple of loving hearts.

Three warm fuzzy hearts.

Half a yummy and delicious heart.

红萝卜甜心面包(Carrot Sweetheart Bun)
可做8个面包(yield 8pcs)

材料:  Ingredients :
A 高粉180克  Bread flour 180g
    低筋粉20克  Cake flour 20g
    奶粉10克 Milk powder 10g 
    枫糖浆32克  Goldon syrup 32g
    盐2.5克  Salt 2.5g
    蛋液20克 egg 20g  
    即溶酵母粉3克  Easy-bake yeast 3g
    水60克  Water 60g

B 无盐黄油20克  Unsalted butter 20g
      红萝卜蓉60克  Grated carrot60g

表面装饰 :蛋液   egg for surface brushing.

1。  材料A 全部混合,先用慢速搅拌成团,再用中速搅成稍具光滑状。
2。  加入无盐奶油用慢速搅入,再用中速搅成可拉出稍透明薄膜的面团。加入
3。  面团放入容器内并盖上保鲜膜,进行基本发酵约60分钟。

4。  面团分割成50克/个等份,滚圆后盖上保鲜膜,松弛约15分钟.
5。 将松弛后的面团擀成椭圆形,翻面后压薄长底边,自上面下卷成橄榄形。
8。 最后发酵结束后,在面团表面刷上蛋。
9。 放入已预热的烤箱中,以上下火180°C 烘烤约15分钟。

红萝卜蓉   Grated carrot
 Method :
1. Mix ingredients A into a dough using low speed, then use medium speed to knead it into a shiny and smooth texture.
2. Add in the unsalted butter, then knead it using medium speed until it forms dough that can be stretched into a thin, translucent membrane. Add in grated carrot ,mix well.
3. Proof the dough for nearly 80 minutes.
4. Cut dough equally into 6 balls, then allow to prove for another 15 minutes.
5. Flatten the dough into a oval shape ,then try to roll it into olive shape .
6. Lightly flatten the Olive shape's dough,fold it up, use a knife to
cut 3/4 of the way.
7. Split the dough and flip it into a heart shape(Tutorial picture here). Arrange it on the baking tray or heart shape mould to allow final proofing.
8. After the final proving finished, brush the surface with milk.
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 15minutes.


 Soft, fluffy and filled with the aroma of carrots.
A yummy and cutie bun!

@@@@@ Enjoy @@@@@

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