
鹰嘴豆日本黄瓜优格沙律(Creamy Yogurt Chickpea & Cucumber Salad)

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Yogurt spoils easily once opened, so I thought I'd use it to make some salad for my family. Even better, I can submit it to my blogger pal, Cherly's LTU event, which has yogurt as its theme this month.

This is a low-fat and healthy dish which doesn't lack in the taste department either. The crunchy Japanese cucumber and chickpeas make quite an interesting combination with the yogurt and seasonings! Delicious!

其中人体 必需但自身不能合成的8种氨基酸全部具备,
The Chickpea is a very nutritious bean. For more information, refer here.


材料 :
1罐  罐头鹰嘴豆,冲洗,沥干
1条  日本黄瓜,对半切片
2 根 青葱,切幼粒
5粒  樱桃番茄,切片
1/4 杯,薄荷叶,剁碎
1/2 杯 希腊(Greek)原味优格
1 瓣 蒜头,剁碎
做法  :
1。 将日本黄瓜,樱桃番茄,鹰嘴豆,青葱粒和薄荷碎刚入一个大碗里。
2。 将蒜蓉和优格混合,加入做法(1)的碗里,调入适量的盐,胡椒粉和麝香草。  轻轻搅拌所有材料,封上保鲜纸,冷藏于冰箱直到适时享用。

Creamy Yogurt Chickpea & Cucumber Salad
( serves 3)

Ingredients :
1 can chickpeas ,rinsed and drained
1 Japanese cucumbers,halved and sliced
5 cherry tomato,sliced
2 Spring onions,sliced
1/4 cup mint leaves, chopped
1/2 cup Greek style plain yogurt
1 small garlic clove,crushed
some salt,pepper and thyme.

Method  :
1.   Combine chickpeas, cucumber, cherry tomato,spring onions and mint in a large bowl.
2.   Mix yogurt and garlic together and season with salt, pepper and thyme.  Fold through chickpea mixture.  Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.

If you like chickpeas too , 
perhaps you may interested in  another post : Chickpea Salad.

鹰嘴豆含有丰富的优质球蛋白,18种氨基酸。 其中人体 必需但自身不能合成的8种氨基酸全部具备, 而且含量比燕麦还要高出2倍以上。 同时也含大量的膳食纤维, 有“粗粮中的粗粮”之美誉。(详文在这里)。 The Chickpea is a very nutritious bean. For more information, refer here.

Copy and WIN : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
鹰嘴豆含有丰富的优质球蛋白,18种氨基酸。 其中人体 必需但自身不能合成的8种氨基酸全部具备, 而且含量比燕麦还要高出2倍以上。 同时也含大量的膳食纤维, 有“粗粮中的粗粮”之美誉。(详文在这里)。 The Chickpea is a very nutritious bean. For more information, refer here.

Copy and WIN : http://ow.ly/KNICZ
鹰嘴豆含有丰富的优质球蛋白,18种氨基酸。 其中人体 必需但自身不能合成的8种氨基酸全部具备, 而且含量比燕麦还要高出2倍以上。 同时也含大量的膳食纤维, 有“粗粮中的粗粮”之美誉。(详文在这里)。 The Chickpea is a very nutritious bean. For more information, refer here.

Copy and WIN : http://ow.ly/KNICZ


Tomorrow will be the  Mother's Day, 
Are you ready?

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (May 2015: YOGURT)
organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY, and hosted by me, Cheryl of Baking Taitai

3 条评论:

  1. Aunty Young, 这碗鹰嘴豆沙律看起来很美味,加了忧格更开胃!我喜欢用鹰嘴豆做的Hummus,抹在面包上吃很不错哦!感谢你这么支持我家的LTU活动,也祝你母亲节愉快!

  2. Hi Aunty Young,
    I remember when I was young, we use to buy steam kacang putih from a Indian uncle when we went to watch movie in the theatre. Now looking at your salad with chick pea I miss chick pea and I know with yogurt this is definitely yum yum and refreshing!

  3. Hi Aunty Young,

    Thank you so much for support LTU yogurt with this beautiful salad too. So sorry that I have not been able to bake a brownies or do a decent dessert post for your BREE!!! Very sorry!

