
香芋包 Taro Pau

As you may have noticed, I've been making alot of paus recently. The moment all the paus at home has been finished, I'll start kneading the dough so I can practice again and again. After all, they say practice makes perfect, and I really want to master the art of pau-pleating.

 While steaming some yam to make yam paste, another idea for making paus popped up: Taro Pau! Hehehe, turns out the idea was not bad; the paus tasted good, and there wasn't too many paus, so it wasn't long before these paus were safely inside my family's stomach. Looks like I get to make more paus tomorrow!

A : (使用前混合均匀)
      即溶酵母 1茶匙
      清水 60毫升
B : 包粉 125克
     糖分 30克
     白油 10克
     芋头糊 1滴(随意)

馅料 :
芋头  80克(切块,蒸熟,压烂)
幼糖 30克
粟米油 20克
椰浆 40毫升
盐 1/4 茶匙
芋头糊 1/4茶匙


做法 :
1。馅料: 热锅将馅料炒至浓稠,盛起,待凉分成8份。
2。皮料 : 将(B)料放入大碗加入(A)料拌匀,倒在桌面用手搓2分钟至光滑面团,用布盖着发酵30分钟,分成8份。
3。 造型 : 将(2)的面团滚圆后压扁,中间部分稍微厚一些,包入1份馅料,边缘折起收口向上,排在纸杯上,重复至完,盖着待发30分钟。
4。 锅里煮好滚水,排好架子及铺块白布,排入(3)后盖好,以中火蒸10分钟或熟即可。

Taro Pau

Ingredient for skin :
A : (mixed just prior to using)
     1 tsp instant yeast
     60ml water
B :  125g pau flour
      30g icing sugar
      10g shortening
      1 drop yam paste (optional) 

For filling :
80g taro/yam (diced, steamed and mashed)
30g caster sugar
20g corn oil
40ml coconut milk
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp yam 

Material needed : 
8 paper cups

Method :
1. For filling: Heat wok, add in filling and fry till its consistency has thickened. Dish up, cool and divide into 8 portions.
2. For skin: Combine ingredients (B) in a big mixing bowl. Add in ingredient (A) and mix well. Invert onto a tabletop, knead with your palms for 2 minutes till dough becomes shiny and soft. Return dough to the big bowl and cover with a piece of cloth. Proof for 30 minutes. Divide into 8 portions.
3. To shape: Flatten a dough from no. (2) into a circle. Flatten the edges so that the center bulges slightly, place in a portion of the filling. Gather the edges, seal opening and lay it facing upwards on a flattened paper cup. Repeat process until all the dough is used up. Cover and proof for 30 minutes.
4. Bring water to a rapid boil in a wok, then place a steaming rack in the wok. Cover the inside of the wok lid with a cloth(to prevent the water droplets from dripping onto the paus). Arrange no.(3) on the steaming rack. Cover the wok and steam over medium heat for 10 minutes or till thoroughly cooked.


The pleats are still a little askew, but thankfully the paus are getting rounder and looking more like the paus they're supposed to be. Yeah!

@@@@@ Enjoy ! @@@@@

9 条评论:

  1. taro bao.. what a nice idea.. the thought of it makes my stomach feels warm already.. such homey food

  2. Nice taro bao, indeed practice makes perfect. Happy pau pleating and a great weekend to you!

  3. 安迪漾一直引诱我。。提醒我。。是时候要快快捏包子去咯!哈哈!

  4. Yummy ! I love yam ... dim sum "wu kok", steamed yam cake, ... dessert "Oh Nee" ... so I'm dropping to your place to have some delicious steamed taro pau ! Enjoy your weekend^-^!

  5. 包子捏的还不错。。加油!。。:)

  6. Given a choice, I would go for Taro Paus instead of tau sar pau. Or Nee is aromatic and tastes good.

  7. 捏包子哦。。。我也要学,快教我。嘻嘻~

  8. 太棒了!我也想学。每次想到捏不好就没心力想做包子。我其实是挺喜欢吃包子的。芋头的好香!

  9. Yumm...yumm..yummm... I am so craving for this steamed bun lol.
