
爱思巴苏杏仁牛油蛋糕(Espresso Almond Butter Cake)

 来自My Kitchen Snippets家的美好分享,爱思巴苏杏仁牛油蛋糕。
I decided to try out this wonderful sharing by My Kitchen Snippets when I realized I had all the ingredients waiting in my pantry. Many thanks, Getrude, especially since I love coffee.

For this Coffee Queen, espresso is nothing new, yet to use espresso in cake baking is a first.

食谱参考:My Kitchen Snippets

227克 奶油
3汤匙 酸奶油
250克 细砂糖
240克 面粉
1/4茶匙 盐
120克 杏仁粉
1茶匙 发粉
4粒 蛋
120毫升 温奶
2汤匙 爱思巴苏即溶咖啡粉

1。将1个8“x8" 的方形烤盘铺上油纸。将爱思巴苏即溶咖啡粉加入温奶中,搅拌均匀,置旁待用。
2。预热烤箱至180‘C。  将面粉,发粉和盐筛过,然后加入杏仁粉拌匀,置旁待用。
4。减慢搅拌器速度,分3轮加入粉类,分2轮加入爱思巴苏奶混合液,(以交替的方式将2者 加入,搅拌成均匀的面糊。
5。将面糊倒入铺好油纸的烤盘,抹平糊面,送入预热烤箱烤约50- 60分钟或将插枝插入蛋糕,然后拔出不粘蛋糕糊即可。

Recipe adapted from : My Kitchen Snippets

227g/2 stick soft butter
3 tbsp sour cream
250g sugar
240g flour
1/4 tsp salt
120g ground almond
1 tsp baking powder
4 eggs
120ml warm milk
2 tbsp instant espresso coffee powder

1. Line and grease an 8” x 8” square baking pan or round baking pan. Mix the espresso powder with the warm milk. Stir until dissolved. Set aside and allow to cool.
2. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together in a bowl. Add in the ground almond and mix well. Set aside.
3. Cream butter, sour cream and sugar until light and creamy, about 5 minutes. Scrape the side of the bowl occasionally. Add in the eggs, 1 at a time until well combined.
4. Reduce the speed of the mixer to low. Add in the flour mixture in three additions, alternating with the cool milk mixture in two additions, beginning and ending with the flour. Mix until well combined.
5. Pour batter into the baking pan, smooth out the top and bake until the top of the cake springs back when gently pressed with your fingers and a cake tester inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. It will take about 50-60 minutes.
6. Cool the cake on the wire rack for 10 minutes, invert and unmold the cake and let it cool completely before cutting into it.

Bitter with a touch of sour, the taste of this unique coffee goes well with the almond and butter, creating a cake that would suit those who have a rich taste.

@@@@@ Enjoy ! @@@@@

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Bake for Happy Kids and My Little Favourite DIY, and hosted by Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe

12 条评论:

  1. Thanks for the shout out and trying out this cake.

  2. 特别的咖啡蛋糕也许吃了后更能体会“人生”, 呵呵!!

  3. 我也是很喜欢咖啡,想象得到一定很香很香很香的咯。。。*^_^*

  4. 我闻到蛋糕香了。 会提神的蛋糕哦。。 哈哈

  5. what a pretty cake.. i love anything coffee too... i have to try yours ;)

  6. This is such a pretty cake - The top is so flat!!!

  7. 有咖啡的我喜欢,我最爱咖啡了。。。呵呵

  8. Hi Aunty Young! I also bookmarked Gertrude's recipe. I love coffee and I will love this cake. Your cake is really tempting me to bake this soon. Thank you for the reminder :)

  9. 我闻香而来。我也很喜欢咖啡,有咖啡飘香的地方都会吸引我去看个究竟~

  10. 我也真的还没试过咖啡牛油蛋糕呢,是时候试做了,因为近来好像对咖啡过敏,用来做蛋糕应该ok吧。。~
