
肉桂卷 (Cinnamon Roll)

Weirdly enough, I've never made this classic bun after so many years of bread baking! Therefore, in response to the request of NaNak's friend, I decided to bake this bun and add it to my blog. Thanks to NaNak's friend!

 Even while the bread was resting, it looked nice. The Cinnamon Rolls fresh out of the oven looked even better and more marvelous.

After baking, the Cinnamon Roll turned a beautiful golden brown and sent the aroma of cinnamon wafting around the kitchen. With the sugar glazing and roasted almonds, this bun is an enjoyment to both eyes and mouth.

食谱参考:Jane's coner

1。 在125g水中, 加入高筋面粉25g, 搅拌均匀。
2。 放到瓦斯卢上加热, 需不断搅拌, 防锅底烧焦。
3。面糊加热至65度离火(面糊在搅拌时, 会有纹路出现的状态)。
4。在面糊表面贴上一层保鲜膜, 降温后使用或放入冰箱隔天取出使用。


(A) 200g高筋面粉, 50g 低筋面粉,20g奶粉, 40g细糖, 3g 盐, 4g即溶酵母
(B) 25g 蛋, 75g - 85g水, 90g汤种(水应视面粉吸水量而定,不要一次过加入所有的水,可保留10克水,若面团太干则再少量加入)

(C) 20g 无盐奶油

夹馅: 40g细糖, 1Tbsp肉桂粉, 80g 葡萄干

装饰糖霜: 70g 糖粉, 1Tbsp温开水, 适量烘烤过地杏仁片

1。把A和B的材料倒入搅拌盆中, 先以慢速搅拌。

2。成团后, 转成中速继续搅拌。

3。当面团拌打至有筋性时, 才加入C料, 用慢速搅拌, 再转中速。搅拌至可拉开薄膜的阶段。

4。取出面团,放入已经抹油的大碗中, 让它发酵约40分钟或双倍大,把面团取出, 排气。将面团擀成长方形准备做肉桂卷。

5。面团擀好,翻面变成收口朝上, 下边边缘略按平, 刷上一层水。

6。将肉桂粉和白糖混合,撒在面团上, 再铺上葡萄干。

7。把面团由上往下卷起, 收口捏合, 分割成8等份, 排入抹上油的8寸圆烤盘中。

8。最后发酵40分钟。扫上蛋液, 放入预热180°C的烤箱, 烤20分钟。

9。把糖粉和温开水调匀成糖霜, 已线条方式淋在烤好的肉桂面包上, 再撒上杏仁片装饰。

Cinnamon Roll
65°C Tangzhong:
1. Mix 25g of bread flour evenly in 125g of water.
2. Heat in a pot over low flame. Stir continuously to avoid burning.
3. Remove from heat once the tangzhong has reached a temperature of 65
°C (The dough would be thick enough that when stirred, the surface creases).
4. Cover the tangzhong with a cloth or cling wrap. Either use it after it has cooled or refrigerate it to be used on the next day.

*Extra tangzhong can be stored in the fridge for a few days.

(A) 200g bread flour, 50g cake flour, 20g milk powder, 40g castor sugar, 3g salt, 4g instant yeast

(B) 25g egg, 75g - 85g water, 90g tangzhong   *(The amount of water needed depends on the type of flour used. Don't pour in all the water, but keep about 10g and add it only if the dough is too dry.)

(C) 20g unsalted butter

Cinnamon filling: 40g caster sugar, 1tbsp cinnamon powder, 80g raisins
Sugar glaze: 70g icing sugar, 1tbsp warm water

Some roasted almonds

1. Mix ingredients (A) and (B) using slow speed.

2. Use medium speed when (1) has formed a dough.

3. Add in (C) when after the dough has become elastic. Knead using slow speed, then slowly increase to medium speed. Knead until the dough is soft and pliable.

4. Place the dough into a well-greased bowl and rest for 40 minutes, or until it has doubled in size. Punch down the dough, then shape it into a rectangle.

5. Flatten the bottom edge slightly and sprinkle the dough with water.

6. Spread the mixture of cinnamon powder and caster sugar evenly onto the dough, then scatter raisins on top.

7. Roll the dough downwards, starting from the top edge. Cut the roll into 8 pieces and place in a greased baking tin.

8. Rest for 40 minutes. Brush with egg before baking in a preheated oven at 18
0°C for 20 minutes.

9. Mix the sugar glaze evenly and spoon onto the rolls or pipe on in lines. Scatter some roasted almonds onto the rolls and you're done.

@@@@@ Enjoy! @@@@@

14 条评论:

  1. 的确的确,这款的确是经典面包。。。吃了还想吃。。。百做不累,百吃不厌。。。。我也来蹭包吃了唷

  2. 这个面包的确很好吃,很香~

  3. 我以前也做过cinnamon roll,很香。。忍不住会多出几口。

  4. 我还是喜欢之前的苹果派, 这个面包啊, 我要一个加少少cinnamon 的, 不知有吗? 呵呵。。

  5. 我好喜欢cinnamon面包,我要多多个 :)

  6. Wow I can imagine the beautiful fragrance of cinnamon lingering in your house ....

  7. Aunty Young, I love cinnamon rolls! I tried making once before but tak jadi. It was hard. I want to try again using this recipe!

  8. 别这么说,我也不曾做过这经典面包,

  9. 我家的小孩对肉桂就只会说~~~好难闻哦!!所以。。。就知道我家没有出现这样的经典面包,赏我一个。。。嘻嘻!!

  10. Ooooo I love cinnamon rolls, these look soooo nice!

  11. 我很爱肉桂香,可是。。。拍谢,我还真的没做过,因为家里的几个都不爱,所以宁愿要吃才买外面的

  12. 哎哟!! 肉桂卷...我的最最最最爱...赏1个来吃呗!!!!

  13. that's some mouthwatering pics! gonna try this cinnamon roll recipe on a multifunction pressure cooker
