
紫薯黑芝麻莲蓉千层酥 ~ Purple Potato Flaky Mooncake




共做16 个

水皮/外层 :
150克  面粉
  30克  糖粉
  55克  白油
  60克  水

115克  低筋粉
    5克  紫薯粉
  60克  白油

8个 咸蛋黄,一切为二
285克 黑芝麻莲蓉馅 (大约)

做法 :


3。 将咸蛋黄一切为二,排放在烤盘上,喷洒些米酒,以120'C 烤约8分钟。置旁待冷。

4。 取一份黑芝麻莲蓉馅,裹入一个咸蛋黄,收口,搓圆。重复做完其它15份。每份莲蓉咸蛋馅重约25克。

5。 水皮做法:将面粉,白油,糖粉和水混匀。搓揉成富有弹性的面团约10分钟。以保鲜纸盖上面团,休面15分钟。

6。 油皮做法 : 轻轻混合低筋粉,紫薯粉和白油,搓揉成圆筒形,平均切成16份,然后搓成圆球形。这时将休面好后的水皮,也分割16份,同样的搓成圆球形。

7。 取一份水皮面团,裹入一份油皮面团,收口,搓圆。重复完成其它15份。



10。 休息完的面团,用刀子从中间切下,成为两个面团, 然后将面团擀成圆薄面团。

11。切开面向外, 圆面团包上黑芝麻莲蓉馅,收口捏紧,整成圆形,罢放在烤盘上。

12。  送入预热烤箱170'C 烤约20-25 分钟或成金黄色即可。

Purple Potato Flaky Mooncake
yield 16 pies


Outer layer dough:
150g  all-purpose flour
  30g   icing sugar
  55g   lard or shortening 

  60g   water

Inner layer dough (flaky dough):
115g  cake flour

   5g   purple potato powder
 60g   lard or shortening

8  salted egg yolks, divided

285g black sesame lotus seed paste (approximately)

 Method :

1. Preheat the oven to 170'C 15 minutes before its ready for use.

2. Divide the black sesame lotus seed paste into 16equal portions. Roll the divided black sesame lotus seed paste into balls and set aside.

3. Divide the salted egg yolk into 2. Place the egg yolks on a baking sheet and spray with some cooking wine and bake at 120'C for 8 minutes.

4. Insert the half salted egg yolk into a black sesame lotus seed ball and roll into a ball again. The black sesame lotus seed ball with salted egg yolk will be 25g each. Repeat for the remaining 15 balls.

5. To make the outer layer dough : Mix the flour, shortening, icing sugar and water together. Knead the dough until pliable for about 10 minutes. Cover with a plastic wrap and let rest for 15 minutes.

6. To prepare the flaky dough : Gently mix the cake flour, purple potato powder and shortening together.  Shape the flaky dough into a log. Divide the flaky dough into 16 equal portions. Roll each portion into balls. Repeat the same process for the outer layer dough after it has rested.

7. Place one of the outer layer dough ball on one of your palm and lightly press to make a dent. Place the flaky dough ball on the flatten outer layer dough. Bring the outer layer dough together to completely covered the flaky dough and re-roll into a ball. Repeat for the remaining balls.

8. Flatten the combined dough ball with your palm. Use a rolling pin to gently roll out the dough length wise. Use your palm to roll back the dough. Place the seam side up and rest for 10 minutes.

9. Use the rolling pin to roll out the dough length wise the second time. Use your palm to roll back the dough.Place the seam side up and rest for 10 minutes.
10. After resting, cut the dough into 2, use rolling pin roll them into disc.

11. Place a portion of green tea lotus paste filling on the centre of the disc dough( with the cutting part facing outside). Use the thumb and the index finger to slowly gather the dough around the filling, use the thumb of another hand to lightly push in the filing. This way, you will get dough ball with minimum seam. Pinch the seam together and roll into a ball and place the seam side down. Repeat for the remaining balls.

12. Place the dough balls onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake in a preheated 170'C oven for 20 – 25 minutes or until golden brown. 


 @@@@@ Enjoy ! @@@@@

6 条评论:

  1. Hi Aunty Young, lovely, flaky mooncakes. Nice colour. Haven't decide whether to bake more mooncakes but these are quite fast to make, isn't it? Will wait first.

    1. Thank you Kim for the compliment. Ok, looking forward to see your lovely and festively
      Mooncake sharing.

  2. I love this flaky skin mooncake. But it seems quite difficult to make.

    1. Hi Amy,
      Thank you for dropping by .
      Actuality the flaky skin mooncake is not really difficult to make but a bit more time consuming instead.
      Do try it and share with me your lovely flaky skin mooncake.

  3. 紫色和绿色的千层酥放在一起好吸引人的眼球呀 !!!

  4. Hi Aunty young
    Where can I buy purple pirate powder ?
