
脆皮燒肉 (Crispy Roast Pork)

I am very pleased with my home-made crispy roast pork. With it's crispy skin and fragrant and juicy meat, my family agree that it is simply delicious!

Salty and tasty, whether you eat it as a dish or down it with wine, it is still a prefect fit.

The advantages of home-made crispy roast pork is that other than being fantastically delicious, it is also cheap and economic to prepare. 
 After all, roasting the pork is not too difficult, so why not give this recipe a try?

脆皮燒肉 (Crispy Roast Pork)
Recipe adapted fronm : Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 60-70 minutes
Serves 4-5

Crispy Roast Pork 脆皮烧肉
1kg pork belly, with skin on
2tbsp salt

Dry rub
1tsp garlic salt (you may replace with garlic powder or grated garlic and salt)
1/2tsp five spice powder
1/2tsp ground white pepper


1. Try to have a flat and same level of pork belly (for even browning when roasting) by cutting off those extra meat underneath ). Blanch the pork in a pot of boiling water for 5mins.
2. Remove and wipe dry with paper towels.

3. Prick the skin all over with a sharp skewer, the more holes you can make the better.
4. Then use a sharp knife to lightly score the skin.

5. Massage the dry rub into the meat and rub the salt on the skin.

6. Place pork on a wire rack, uncovered, place in the fridge and let it dry out slowly overnight. (Alternatively put in a oven with a fan blowing for 3hours to dry the skin)
7. Preheat the oven to 200C. Place the pork, skin side up, on a wire rack in the oven, and place a tray underneath to catch the drippings.
8. Roast for 25mins and then switch the oven from bake to grill function (upper heat only), increasing the temperature to 230C. Grill until the skin is evenly blistered and browned (around 50mins)
9. Remove to a wire rack to cool slightly. Cut into long strips then slice and serve warm.


Thank you, Sonia, for sharing this wonderful recipe!
 It has really benefited me and my family.

As today is the second day of the Chinese New Year, many of us are probably busy visiting family and friends back home.
 So, let me take this opportunity to wish all of you a sound journey and to enjoy this time of happiness!

*****年初二快乐! *****

14 条评论:

  1. Happy New Year Aunty Young. This post reminds me that I must make roast pork again. My family's favourite. I agree it's economical to make your own and you can choose a good cut to make the best siew yoke.

  2. Gong Xi Fa Cai Kimmy!
    My family like it very much, they said no needs to buy from outside any more, he...........

  3. 回复
    1. Eh, 38,


    2. 我吃完你的

    3. 你吃得完,代表好吃,

    4. 新年加了磅

    5. 我陪你

  4. I love this crispy roast pork with rice. I am drooling now.

  5. Hello I'am Chris
    Happy Chinese New Year
    It is very interesting to find out how fine Asian cuisine
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  6. Hi Aunty Young, Gong Xi Fa Cai to you! We also love homemade siew yuk, my hubby request me to make for him again once the butchers open for business again after CNY ;)

  7. 恭祝Aunty Young 阖家:马年大顺!身体健康!心想事成!
