
芦柑杏桃戚风蛋糕(Mandarine Apricot Chiffon Cake)

既然做了其中一位- 芦柑相思蛋糕
A fellow blogger once commented that the Ogura is like a sister to the chiffon. So, since I've made a Mandarine Ogura Cake, I decided to complete the pair and make a Mandarine Apricot Chiffon Cake.

Compared to the Ogura cake, the chiffon is much lighter due to less eggs in the ingredients.

The refreshing taste of mandarin combined with the dried apricot produced a delicious treat for the taste buds.

Besides being an auspicious food, mandarins are also in season now, so why don't you give this cake a try?

芦柑杏桃戚风蛋糕( Mandarine Apricot Chiffon Cake)
材料   Ingredients:
蛋黄 。。。。。 4粒                                                (4 egg yolk)
黄糖 。。。。。30克                                             (30 brown sugar)

粟米油 。。。。。27 克                                         (27g corn oil)
盐。。。。。。。1/8茶匙                                       (1/8tsp salt)
杏桃干。。3片,剁碎                                 (3 dried apricot,chopped)
芦柑屑。。。。。2汤匙                                      (2 tbsp mandarine  zest)
芦柑汁。。。。。60 克                                          (60g mandarine juice )

低筋面粉 。。。。。100 克                                  (100g  superfine flour)

蛋白 。。。。。 4 粒                                             (4 egg white)
细糖 。。。。。60 克                                            (60g castor sugar)
柠檬汁 。。。。。1  茶匙                                   (1  tsp lemon juice)

做法    Method :
1.    将蛋黄和糖打至糖溶化,蛋液变得浅色,加入( B )材料,搅拌均匀。
        Whisk egg yolk and sugar in (A) till sugar dissolved. Add (B) and mix well.

2.    筛入 ( C )搅拌至幼滑没有颗粒,放置一旁。
       Sift in (C) and mix till a smooth and uniform batter is formed. Set aside.

3.     蛋白打至起泡,加入柠檬汁,糖分次加入打至干性发泡。
        Whisk egg white till frothy, Add 1/3 of sugar and lemon juice in (D). Continue to beat and add remaining sugar in 2 sessions and beat till stiff peak。

4.     将 1/3 的蛋白霜加入蛋黄糊中,轻轻用刮刀拌匀,不能过多搅拌,以免消泡。重复至蛋白霜完全融合在蛋糊内。
         Fold in 1/3 of the meringue to egg yolk mixture, fold till just incorporated. Repeat the same for the remaining meringue.

5.     将面糊倒入 20 cm 的中空模,放在桌上轻轻敲两次敲出空气。
        Pour batter into 20cm tube pan, bang it on tabletop twice to release air bubbles.

6.     放入预热烤箱以 170度烤 40分钟。
        Bake in preheated oven at 170C for about 40 mins.

****  Enjoy ! ****

5 条评论:

  1. 好特别哦。。。想必一定很香!

  2. 很喜欢这没负担的蛋糕,也很适合新年里送给朋友的礼品。

  3. 很新鲜的口味!我还没试过呢!

  4. Is it me or this cake looks just so dreamy and romantic to me? Something I'm gonna keep for the valentines ! Yippee

  5. 这个蛋糕我也要吃~~~
